Innovative Carbon Capture Monitoring Solutions

Real-Time Monitoring of Class VI Wells

SageRider's advanced Carbon Capture Monitoring Systems provide comprehensive tools to monitor Class VI wells in real-time. Whether you have Injectors, In Zone Monitoring, Above Confining Zone or Underground Sources of Drinking Water to monitor, SageRider has the best solutions for all of these applications.

SageRider utilizes state of the art Pressure/Temperature sensors and DAS / DTS / DSS Fiber Optic Technologies to completely monitor all phases of CCS Projects.  These systems allow for the measuring of pressures, temperatures, seismic profiles and other critical aspects of carbon capture installations.

See this technology and more on our YouTube page here:

Real-Time Pressure and Temperature for Carbon Capture Monitoring:

  • Downhole pressure and temperature monitoring of ACZ, Injector, USDW and IZM Wells

  • Monitor reservoir pressure, internal casing pressure or a combination of the two

  • Verification of reservoir characteristics and injection pressures

Fiber Optics - Distributed Temperature & Acoustic Monitoring:

  • Provide continuous and permanent profile monitoring in real-time across entire wellbore

  • Assist in characterizing CO2 reservoir conditions, geological compartmentalization and changes over the life of the well

  • Casing and cement integrity monitoring, leak detection and reservoir model calibration

U-Tube Fluid Sampling Technology for Carbon Capture and Storage applications:

  • Provides minimally disturbed aliquots of downhole fluid. Ideal for multiphase sampling such as CO2 and brine

  • Large volume sample (~10-100 liters) at formation pressure

  • No degassing — Isolated from O2 & other contaminants